Final Payments are now Due!

The C2KVCNews
March 13, 2023
We are in our 2nd week of tournament play and we have had some excitement. All 7 of our teams have played in at least 1 tournament, some 2 tournaments. Many have wins under their belts, whether it was a set win, a match win or a whole bracket win, we are excited for all of you to be gaining valuable volleyball experience. The improvement is evident. We have some first timers out there working hard, watching, learning, making the necessary adjustments to improve their team. Although some of our teams have had some tough loses, we see the progress being made and we see the effort too! Congratulations to all of you. We appreciate all the hard work and dedication. Good luck to our teams playing next week.
January 10, 2023
Welcome back C2K Volleyball Club Players and Parents!!!
Practice is currently on Sundays, 6pm-8pm at Lima Sr. We are happy to announce we have 7 full teams
this season and 4 new coaches. We've already passed out jerseys and warmups, if you did not receive a jersey and warmup, let me (Renee) know ASAP! You should be receiving lots of emails and correspondence from Sports Engine.
If not, let me know right away. You should have accepted your assignment with us through Sports Engine and
obtained an OVR membership by now, it is required for participation in practice. If you are not receiving
any Sports Engine correspondence/emails, please contact me at once. I'll be at all Sunday practice
to accept payments or help with any issues. See you Sunday!
December 7, 2022
Hello parents and players! Sports Engine invtes have been sent out. If you have not received an email invitation to join C2K Volleyball Club, and the email asking you to ACCEPT your position with C2K, contact me @ 419-302-4480. A Sports Engine/OVR membership is required to participate in any C2K Volleyball Club activity including practices.
November 11, 2022
Hey guys, the email invitations to join C2K Volleyball Club should have went out today. They did not!
They will be delayed by a few days, maybe a week. Just keep an eye out for it.
I will post on FB and our homepage when they go out.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
November 9, 2022
Tryouts went amazing. It was for the 8th grade and below. We had a lot of players show up that
we were not expecting but we were prepared. We will have enough players for a 6th grade
team, a 7th grade team and 2-8th grade teams. We hired another coach today
for the 14's. I'm so excited for the season.
November 2, 2022
Hello again! Here we are just a few days from our first tryouts and I'm pretty excited.
Unfortunatley, we had to make a couple of changes. Due to the cost per tournament going up
this season, we had to make some adjustments. Our fees have gone up from $525 to $565 per player and
we added a 6th tournament to each team's schedule. We hope everyone will find this more
valuable than just raising the fee to $560 and not adding the tournament. The Player Contract as been updated to reflect the change. Please share this information. I look forward to seeing you at one of our tryouts.
See you there!
October 8, 2022
Welcome to the 2022-2023 season of C2K Volleyball Club!
We are excited to be back and just wanted to say Hello.
I just posted the tryout info and tryout schedule.
I'm getting excited, it's coming up pretty quick!!!
See you soon.
February 28, 2022
Congrats to our 12's team coached by Bell Plaugher. They went 3-0 in pool play and placed 3rd in the Gold Bracket in their season opening tournament. We are looking forward to seeing how they progress through the rest of the season. We have 3 more teams playing next weekend and our first tournament of the season at Lima Sr. We are super busy preparing for that. We start weeknight practices this week. There have been some facility changes. We are using Lima Sr., South and West for our practices this season. Please check your team page for information about your practice. By now, everyone should have their membership, their jersey, the jr. officiating modules complete and be preparing for tournaments. I think that's everything.
Good Luck everyone!
February 17, 2022
Hey everyone! We've got a lot going on in the next few weeks. We have teams already in tournaments,
jersey distribution, payment reminders, OVR membership help, Jr Officiating Modules to complete, changes to tournament schedules, final roster adjustments, scheduling weeknight practices for 7 teams and learning everyone's names. Haha, I almost got it. Needless to say, I am behind on the C2KVC News. I was reluctant to post or even make any changes to the site because as soon as I do, BAM! we have to make adjustments and I have to change it again. Very time consuming. Anyway, I have 2 more teams to distribute jerseys to and that will be it with that. Yay!!! I have distributed Libero jerseys. I need to get the coaches ball bags and their final rosters and we will be all set. Whew...We have 1 team with a tournament under their belt and another team has a tournament this Sunday. Let's wish them luck. We have practice 2-4pm @ Lima Sr as normal but your coaches should be updating you very soon on the weeknight schedules that will be starting the week of March 1st.
February 1, 2022
Hey guys! I'm back!!! So, practice was great on Sunday. I was so happy to see everyone there. I was not at practice for 2 weeks so if you brought in a payment, let me know.
Practice is as normal for most of our teams this coming Sunday, 2pm-4pm. The 16's and 18's will be practicing 4pm-6pm. I hope to see everyone there!!!
January 17, 2022
I hope everyone had a great weekend and a fabulous practice yesterday. As many
of you know, I was not able to be at practice this past weekend. That was the first time in 4 years of C2K Volleyball Club's existence that I did not attend a Sunday practice.
I don't believe it will happen again. (Fingers-crossed, praying hands) Thank you to
all of you that checked-in on me, called, texted, and emailed. I'm doing much better.
I will be at practice on next Sunday. You can bring in your questions,
paperwork and payments then.
Just a little heads up, if you have not made a payment to your account or set up
a payment plan with me, you may receive a friendly reminder. No worries,
we can set up a payment plan that works for you.
Coaches will be contacting players to determine what days of the week they are available for practice in the evening so we will be ready for March.
Have a great week, ladies, See you all Sunday!
January 10, 2022
We had a great practice yesterday. I still have a few that need to upgrade their membership. Let's get them finished up this week. Also, I need our players to start getting familiar with the work duties. Each team is required to serve as the "work crew" for a match or 2 during pool play and possibly during tournament play. This will be at all tournaments. Each player will be required to complete one of the work duties which include: Libero tracker, linejudge, scorekeeper, down ref (R2) or book. You never know when you may be needed to cover one of these duties. All of our players should become knowledgable of all 5 duties. There are Jr. officiating modules you are encouraged to watch. They are short videos that cover the responsibilities of each assignment. I will add a link to the modules on our homepage. If you have any questions or need help, as always, I'm here.
See you next Sunday!!!
January 6, 2022
Hello everyone! Great first practice Sunday. Thank you to our coaches who came in and covered for those who could not be there. And a huge thank you to everyone that changed their plans to be there. We were able to fit eveyone in, all 7 teams, with only 3 coaches. Practice times may need to be adjusted from time to time due to emergencies, covid, school needs and unpredictable weather. We do not like to cancel practice but occasionally it is necessary. Your coach will let you know if there will be changes made to the schedule as soon they can. I will also send out emails, post any changes on the homepage of our website, and post it on FB, as soon as we know a change or cancellation is needed. Thanks again. See you Sunday!
January 1, 2022
Happy New Year C2KVC!!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. We start practice tomorrow,
January 2, 2022. We had a couple of unforeseen complications and had to move a couple of practice times back, Our 14's, 15's and 16's teams will practice at the original time, 2pm-4pm.
Our 12's and 13's will be practicing from 4pm-6pm. Our 18's will be practicing
from 6pm-8pm. I do not know if this will be our regular practice schedule. I will update everyone when we know for sure. See you there!!
December 27, 2021
Happy Holidays!
I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas and wonderful holiday season. We begin our practice season this Sunday, January 2nd, 2-4pm @ Lima Sr. We are so excited and can't wait to get started. You must ave your OVR membership to participate.
If you need help, contact me, Renee - 419-302-4480
December 8, 2021
Hello and welcome to the 2022 season of C2KVC, (C2K Volleyball Club). We had a wonderful turn out for our club meeting on Sunday, December 5th. Thanks to all that attended. We got our jerseys fitted, our paperwork turned-in and met with our teammates and coach. We heard from our director and from me, Renee about our direction and what I'm currently working on...finalizing, confirming, and posting our tournament schedules. Everything should be posted to team pages by the end of this week. I appreciate your patience as I update our website. As usual, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me,
Renee Julien, 419-302-4480. Text is the fastest!
November 2021
We have our C2K Volleyball Club meeting coming up Sunday December 5th.
We hope to see you there!
Happy Thanksgiving
and welcome to the C2K Volleyball Club 2021-2022 Season. Our tryouts are complete and were a huge success. We have our Club meeting scheduled for Sunday, December 5th at 2pm for our middle school players and 3pm for the high school teams. Hope to see you there!
September 2021
Welcome to the 2021-2022 season! The website is currently under construction.
I will be updating as needed. It should be complete before our tryouts and weekly updates starting in January. Please be patient as we update our system.
Site Under Construction
Due to Technical issues, the site will not be updated until further notice.
Wow, what a weekend!!
Congratulations are in order after a very long, demanding, winning weekend. We had 3 teams competing in tournaments this past weekend and all of them finished with a win.
All 3 teams won their tournament brackets on Sunday.
14's won the Gold bracket
13's won the Silver bracket
18's won the Bronze bracket.
Congratulations to all of our coaches, players!
Also, to all of a big "Thank you" to all of our families that drove, fed, cheered,
and prepared their players for such a tough weekend.
Keep up the hard work!
Practice has been moved to West for the rest of our season. Your coach
will let you know your team's specific schedule. Tournaments are starting
this weekend, coaches should have details for each specific tournament
the Wednesday before the tournament. You can view the tournament
details on your team page next to the tournament schedule. Good luck to our teams that are playing in tournaments this weekend.
Last week practice was cancelled due the weather. This week practice was moved to West Middle School.
Coming up this Sunday, we will be back at Lima Sr. Your coach will inform you of any change to time or location.
We had another great practice on Sunday. We will be getting our
jerseys soon. Make sure you are current on all your paperwork
and payments. Players must have all required paperwork and payments
turned-in to receive their jersey and warmup. If you are new to our program, submit your jersey and warmup sizes online by visiting the Links page. Players should complete the Jr Officiating Modules available on SE. Instructions are on the OVR website and I have a link on our Links page. As always, if you have any questions be safe,
see you on Sunday!
Practice was great yesterday. We had almost 100% attendance. We're so close. Hopefully next week we will finally get there. Setter training at 1:30 is going well. We had 7 attend. Way to put in that extra work. I will be updating team pages.
Tournament Details should be up tomorrow, if not later today. Check out your team page often for any changes to your schedule. Make sure to check back with the C2KVC News often for any new information. So far I have 1 team that has all of their paperwork turned-in. Let's get that to all teams completed and turned-in this next Sunday. Also, our next payment date is quickly approaching. Fees must be paid in full before your player receives their jersey or payment arrangments have been agreed upon. If you would like to make a payment or find out your balance you can call me, text me or see me on Sunday. I will be available to go over your payment options on Sunday between 2:30-3:30pm. See you Sunday!
Setter training was well received and much appreciated on Sunday. We will
be doing it again this Sunday. Setters, arrive early and be ready to start at 1:30pm.
Tournament dates are being confirmed and will be posted this week and next. I may be
adding some features to our website and hopefully a link to our spirit wear very soon.
Reminder-We are quickly approaching our 3rd payment date, be sure to get caught up.
We have a few players that need to turn-in their required paperwork. All players must
submit their paperwork and payments before tournaments begin. No exceptions!
As always, read the C2KVC News weekly, wear your mask, stop at the desk to
get your temp approved, bring your water bottles. See you Sunday!!!
Welcome to our season!
What a great first practice. I hope everyone got a chance to meet your coach and teammates
before starting the warmup and training. We have a few players missing due to injury
that should be returning soon. It will be great to have all of our players back on the court.
I will be at practice on Sundays to collect payments and missing paperwork.
I will contact those who have missing paperwork. If you have anything that needs to be
turned-in to me, arrive 20 minutes early.
The required paperwork that is due:
All the required paperwork is available on our website, on the FORMS tab.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. 419-302-4480
See you next week, Sunday, January 10th, at practice!
Good Morning!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday Season. We are ready to start practice this next Sunday, yay!! Many of you are ready to go and have all your paperwork turned in and have made a payment on your account. I still have a few that need to complete a some of the required forms or that need to accept your club assignment by email. Everyone should have your OVR membership by now. This is a requirement to participate in practice. I will be notifying individuals of what they still need to bring with them to our first practice. Also, I will be available to receive payments on Sunday, if you plan to make a payment at our first practice, arrive early. I can accept cash or checks only. See you Sunday!
Happy Holidays!!
As we head in to the holiday season, I wish you all well and would like to
remind our entire club to be safe as we gather with family and friends.
We want to finish the entire season!
Our players should complete the
C2k Player Registration Form,
The Medical Release Form,
Player Contract and
Lindsay's Law Forms.
I have received many Medical Release Forms at the tryouts. You do not need to complete this again if you gave it to me at the tryouts.
All players should have received an email that asks them to "accept the club assignment", and obtain a membership with the OVR, it is important to repsond directly to the email. If you have not received this email, call or text me. We need everyone to ACCEPT.
Sizes should be submitted to the form on the homepage
Lima City players should have completed their required verification form
Returning players should have filled out the form indicating whether or not they need a new jersey.
Links to all of these are on the C2K Volleyball Club Meeting page
Our 1st payment was due on December 6, 2020, our 2nd payment is due on January 3, 2021, with the final payment due February 7, 2021. If you have made a payment arrangement with us, go by that schedule.
I will try to complete our tournament scheduling this week. No promises!
I will be available through the holidays. Contact me if you need to.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! We are beginning to receive paperwork and payments
by mail. Our first payments were due December 6. We understand with the short notice of the cancellation of the C2K Volleyball Club meeting that some payments may be late. The payment schedule is important so that we can get all of our tournaments scheduled. If you do not want to mail out your paperwork and/or payment, contact me, Renee Julien, 419-302-4480 to schedule a pickup. I am available most days and some evenings. Don't forget to read the C2K Volleyball Club Meeting. There is a lot of information and important links in there. Hopefully by now everyone has received and accepted the invitation to play with C2K Volleyball Club. If you have not, check your spam, junk, or trash in your email. If you don't see it, contact me to check on things. OVR membership is required by all members of the C2K Volleyball Club. Remember to go get fitted at Lima Sporting Goods and submit your sizes here.
The Sunday, December 6, C2K Volleyball Club meeting has been cancelled.
We will post information here - C2K Volleyball Club Meeting
​Check your email for the notice to connect with
C2K Volleyball club and the invitation to play for C2K Volleyball Club
We are currently experiencing technical difficulties.
We hope to have this issue resolved soon. This may delay some players from receiving their
invitations by the end of today. Contact Renee Julien for any questions., 419-302-4480.
Last Tryout This Season
**Some Tryout information has changed**
2020-2021 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Information
@Lima Senior High School
$20 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Fee
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club-tryouts here
Sunday, 11/22/2020 15's-16's 9th Grade - 10th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/22/2020 17's-18's 11th Grade - 12th Grade 4pm-6pm
Enter the back of the school through the Activities/Athletic Entrance.
Please wear a mask upon entering the building.
You may remove your mask as you participate.
You may wear a mask during tryouts if desired.
Hand sanitizer will be available.
Spectators will NOT be permitted.
Parents/guardians will be permitted during check-in only.
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club/tryouts here
And bring with you:
A Medical Release Form
Your OVR Membership #
A refillable Water Bottle
Limited Medical Release Forms will be available on site.
Please print the form and bring it with you to tryouts.
An OVR Membership # is required to participate.
Visit ovr.org for more information on OVR membership.
Hope to see you there!!!
**Some Tryout information has changed**
2020-2021 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Information
@Lima Senior High School
$20 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Fee
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club-tryouts here
Sunday, 11/15/2020 17's-18's 11th Grade - 12th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/15/2020 15's-16's 9th Grade - 10th Grade 4pm-6pm
Sunday, 11/22/2020 15's-16's 9th Grade - 10th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/22/2020 17's-18's 11th Grade - 12th Grade 4pm-6pm
Enter the back of the school through the Activities/Athletic Entrance.
Please wear a mask upon entering the building.
You may remove your mask as you participate.
You may wear a mask during tryouts if desired.
Hand sanitizer will be available.
Spectators will NOT be permitted.
Parents/guardians will be permitted during check-in only.
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club/tryouts here
And bring with you:
A Medical Release Form
Your OVR Membership #
A refillable Water Bottle
Knee Pads
Limited Medical Release Forms will be available on site.
Please print the form and bring it with you to tryouts.
An OVR Membership # is required to participate.
Visit ovr.org for more information on OVR membership.
Hope to see you there!!!
**Some Tryout information has changed**
2020-2021 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Information
@Lima Senior High School
$20 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Fee
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club-tryouts here
Sunday, 11/08/2020 10's-12's 3rd Grade - 6th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/08/2020 13's-14's 7th Grade - 8th Grade 4pm-6pm
Sunday, 11/15/2020 17's-18's 11th Grade - 12th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/15/2020 15's-16's 9th Grade - 10th Grade 4pm-6pm
Sunday, 11/22/2020 15's-16's 9th Grade - 10th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/22/2020 17's-18's 11th Grade - 12th Grade 4pm-6pm
Enter the back of the school through the Activities/Athletic Entrance.
Please wear a mask upon entering the building.
You may remove your mask as you participate.
You may wear a mask during tryouts if desired.
Hand sanitizer will be available.
Spectators will NOT be permitted.
Parents/guardians will be permitted during check-in only.
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club/tryouts here
And bring with you:
A Medical Release Form
Your OVR Membership #
A refillable Water Bottle
Knee Pads
Limited Medical Release Forms will be available on site.
Please print the form and bring it with you to tryouts.
An OVR Membership # is required to participate.
Visit ovr.org for more information on OVR membership.
Hope to see you there!!!
**Some Tryout information has changed**
2020-2021 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Information
$20 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Fee
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club-tryouts here
Sunday, 11/01/2020 13's-14's 7th Grade - 8th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday. 11/01/2020 10's-12's 3rd Grade - 6th Grade 4pm-6pm
Sunday, 11/08/2020 10's-12's 3rd Grade - 6th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/08/2020 13's-14's 7th Grade - 8th Grade 4pm-6pm
Sunday, 11/15/2020 17's-18's 11th Grade - 12th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/15/2020 15's-16's 9th Grade - 10th Grade 4pm-6pm
Sunday, 11/22/2020 15's-16's 9th Grade - 10th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/22/2020 17's-18's 11th Grade - 12th Grade 4pm-6pm
Please wear a mask upon entering the building.
You may remove your mask as you participate.
You may wear a mask during tryouts if desired.
Hand sanitizer will be available.
Spectators will NOT be permitted.
Parents/guardians will be permitted during check-in only.
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club/tryouts here
And bring with you:
A Medical Release Form
Your OVR Membership #
A refillable Water Bottle
Knee Pads
Limited Medical Release Forms will be available on site.
Please print the form and bring it with you to tryouts.
An OVR Membership # is required to participate.
Visit ovr.org for more information on OVR membership.
Hope to see you there!!!
This Sunday Tryouts, 10/25/2020
has been cancelled.
All other Tryouts will continue as planned.
2020-2021 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Information
$20 C2K Volleyball Club Tryout Fee
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club/tryouts here
Sunday, 11/01/2020 10's-12's 4th Grade - 6th Grade 4pm-6pm
Sunday, 11/01/2020 13's-14's 7th Grade - 8th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/08/2020 13's-14's 7th Grade - 8th Grade 4pm-6pm
Sunday, 11/08/2020 10's-12's 4th Grade - 6th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/15/2020 15's-16's 9th Grade - 10th Grade 4pm-6pm
Sunday, 11/15/2020 17's-18's 11th Grade - 12th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/22/2020 15's-16's 9th Grade - 10th Grade 2pm-4pm
Sunday, 11/22/2020 17's-18's 11th Grade - 12th Grade 4pm-6pm
Please wear a mask upon entering the building.
You may remove your mask as you participate.
You may wear a mask during tryouts if desired.
Hand sanitizer will be available.
Spectators will NOT be permitted.
Parents/guardians will be permitted during check-in only.
Register for our C2K Volleyball Club/tryouts here
And bring with you:
A Medical Release Form
Your OVR Membership #
A refillable Water Bottle
Knee Pads
Limited Medical Release Forms will be available on site.
Please print the form and bring it with you to tryouts.
An OVR Membership # is required to participate.
Visit ovr.org for more information on OVR membership.
Hope to see you there!!!
For the latest information, visit the OVR website.
All practice and tournament play has been suspended until further notice.
We will pass along pertinent information as it becomes available.
A message on the subject from the OVR can be found here.
All practice and tournament play has been suspended until further notice.
We will pass along pertinent information as it becomes available.
A message on the subject from the OVR can be found here.
As tournament season continues, all team practice will remain at Lima Sr. until further
notice. Good luck to all of our teams, coaches and players competing this weekend at tournaments.
Tournament season is in full swing, 5 of our 6 teams have had a tournament.
Great playing! Good luck to all of our teams, coaches and players that will play next weekend.
Picture Day
Picture day was a huge success!!! Thanks to Jeff Jolliff Photography and
his awesome assistant, our picture day went very smoothly. So much that we ran ahead
of schedule. Thank you to my volunteers, well done. NOTE - Picture money is due Monday,
March 2nd, 2020. Checks or cash only. Checks should be made payable to Jeff Jolliff.
Our weeknight practices begin Monday March 2 and will be held
at Lima Sr, 7pm - 9pm. I will be available at every Monday night practice to collect any payment such as club fees, (This Monday only - OVR Championship money and forms, and picture money.) The OVR form and money is due at practice Monday, it is the deadline for OVR's.
Monday, March 2, will be the last time I will be collecting OVR forms and money.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, our picture day was rescheduled for
Sunday, February 23, 2020, and will be held at West Middle School. There will be 2 courts
set up. 1 court available for reviewing procedures and lineups, 1 court for
the 16's/17's specifically. The 2-14's, 13's and 12's teams will share the other court to
review lineups, subbing and libero procedures and prepare for their upcoming tournaments.
Picture times are as follows:
17's Kuhn 2:00pm
16's Thomas 2:20pm
14's Allen 2:40pm
14's Williams 3:00pm
13's White 3:20 pm
12's Jordan 3:40pm
We will be taking our club pictures on Sunday, February 16th at our regular 2 pm
practice time. We will start with the a picture of the entire club and then the team photos. Starting
with the17's we will take individual photos. There will be 2 options for individual pictures.
The price list can be found here.
Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade!!!
Don't forget to change your club to C2K!
First Practice
We hope everyone had a happy holiday season.
Great first practice everyone. See you next week!
We begin our practice season Sunday, January 5, 2020. All 6 of our teams will practice
at Lima Senior High School in the main gym, from 2pm - 4pm.
Merry Christmas
Required Paperwork
The players upgraded OVR membership # is required as well as the following forms.
Player Registration Form
Medical Release Form
Player Contract
Lindsay's Law Signature Form
If you have previously submitted these forms to our club, you do not need to resubmit
them. I will contact you if they are needed. If you did not attend Sundays
meeting, please print and complete the Player Contract and the Lindsay's Law form.
They will be collected at our1st practice.
C2K Volleyball Club forms found here.
OVR Registration
We ask that you upgrade your OVR membership and change your club to C2K.
You can renew your membership or upgrade from the tryout membership here.
Log in to your account. On the right side there is a link to renew.
here. OR for a new membership click
Fill in your information and click continue.
Make sure to choose C2K as your club from the dropdown box.
You can print your membership card from the member area.
Welcome to the C2K Volleyball Club 2020 season!
We had an amazing turnout for our club meeting. Our players gathered to meet their coaches
and teammates on Sunday, December 1st. They turned missing paperwork and had the
opportunity to try-on jerseys and warmups. The coach for each team
discussed practices and ***************************************
For Questions, call or text Renee Julien 419-302-4480
Thank you for choosing C2K Volleyball Club.​